
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017

When traveling medium distances, some people prefer to fly. Others prefer to take express trains. Which do you prefer?

In my opinion, I prefer taking express trains over flights to cover a medium distance, mostly because I think that travelling by plane is expensive and should be reserved for travel very long distances considering it costs, so in the following paragraphs I will detail several reasons regarding why you would prefer taking trains over flights. First of all, Trains have the great advantage of being less expensive that planes, and also most trains stations have a system where you pay just for the distance you traveled from station to another station, this means that whether you travelled just some couple of meters or a lot of kilometers, you are charged a fair fare. Secondly, Baggage is something that could be either problematic or simple to handle depending on the transport you are using, Trains also have the advantage of letting you carry as much luggage as you can, on the other hand, flights charge you for luggage exceeding a certain weight, that doesn’t happen with luggage bei

Recently in your town, construction of a new factory that would employ thousands of workers has been halted because it would endanger the wild animals living in the area. Do you agree or diagree with this decision? Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.

I agree with the halting of the construction of a new factory if that means wild animals living in the area will be endangered, People should be aware that this is not a new situation, is very common to have to stop some projects, because their effects in the long-term tend to be very negative as in this case for the animals, Taking care of the environment is an important task for the stability of our town and local plants and meats markets. Firstly, the fact that stopping the construction of a new factory would have left behind opportunities of workers to be employed are not something to let the project continue, dismisses and staff cuts are ways to deal with keeping an equilibrium between extracting natural resources and letting the earth recover and have enough materials for the next generations, In other words, it is not worth to employ a lot of people and deplete resources fast. Secondly, if animals and plants were to be disturbed, the outcome in the future will be th

There are many ways to find a job: newspaper advertisements, Internet job search websites, and personal recommendations. What do you think is the best way to find a job?

It is well known that there a lot of ways to find a job, but in my opinion, Internet job search websites are the best way to go, for several reasons, being one of the most important things, is a professional approach submitting your information through computer applications and keep up with your enrollment. First of all, Getting a job using technologic appliances demonstrates to your employer that you possess computer skills which are most of the time helpful when deciding who could fit better in a job position, for example people with jobs that needs people to stay in touch with other coworkers, are definitely going to need a way to communicate and send files or documents, lacking computer skills could be problematic in these cases. Secondly, When you are searching for a certain position on a job search website, you can come up with a lot of different job positions and options where you can choose and compare, a good reason to take into account is that some websites featu

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Consulting with a group of people is the best way to make an important decision.

In my opinion, I agree with the statement that a group of people is the best way to make an important decision, having reliable friends or acquaintances to ask help tends to be very helpful when not feeling confident about making a decision. First of all, asking for advice from people you trust can help you making a decision that will have a very high impact on your life, because depending on what chooses you take, you will have a better or worse outcome on your life in the future, that’s why people should ask for assistance, so that they can choose while being more informed of the possible result of it. Secondly, regarding whom you could ask when feeling uneasy to talk about an specific affair, older people can be the best way to go, since elders have gone through similar situations that you might be going through nowadays, that experience from them can make you realize things that maybe you weren’t aware of or why you shouldn’t make some decisions. Last but not least, Ha