Some people enjoy jobs that include travelling along and meeting new people. Others like to work in a fixed location with the same group of coworkers. What is your preference? Explain why

Are workplaces something you like or going to different places is far more interesting for you? In this matter, I would prefer to have a job in which I could be traveling along and meet new people over a job where workplaces are comfortable for you, but they are located at a fixed location. In fact people who tend to travel around seem to have a healthier life quality since they are not as sedentary as other people.

First of all, a job where you can travel around has the benefits that you will meet new and different people while traveling on your way to work or to a meeting, you might meet a love interest, new close friend or future employer.

Furthermore, Your work schedule will have a lot of new places you’ll have to visit, this means that if you are a food lover, you´ll come across dozen of restaurants and food chains where you can enjoy meals that catches your attention, and as well If you're a history amateur, it means limitless museums and historical sites to sightsee when visiting places.

Last but not least, Business travel helps keep things interesting for you, it’s very common to do new activities when travelling around and that’s what makes business daily travels routines not so grind but appealing to do and complete, this is very true if you are likely to get bored by doing the same things every day.

All things considered, Jobs where travel is possible are very rewarding and appealing for people who enjoy doing new things and breaking routines, it´s one way to give not only your hobbies and interests a space but overall, a life experience which is very fulfilling and the advantages of having a good life quality  for you and your family.


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